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电话:0592-2180606 (实验室)


(1)C.P. Wang, X.J. Liu, I. Ohnuma, R. Kainuma and K. Ishida, Formation of immiscible alloy powders with egg-type microstructure, Science, Vol.297 (2002), pp.990-993.

(2)Yuechao Chen, Cuiping Wang*, Jingjing Ruan, Shuiyuan Yang, Toshihiro Omori, Ryosuke Kainuma, Kiyohito Ishida, Jiajia Han*, Yong Lu, Xingjun Liu*, Development of low-density γ/γʹ Co-Al-Ta-based superalloys with high solvus temperature, Acta Materialia, 188 (2020), 652-664.

(3)Jingjing Ruan, Weiwei Xu, Tao Yang, Jinxin Yu, Shuiyuan Yang*, Junhua Luan, Toshihiro Omori, Cuiping Wang*, Ryosuke Kainuma, Kiyohito Ishida, Chain Tsuan Liu, Xingjun Liu*, Accelerated design of novel W-free high-strength Co-base superalloys with extremely wide γ/γʹ region by machine learning and CALPHAD methods, Acta Materialia, 186 (2020) 425-433.

(4)Yuechao Chen, Cuiping Wang*, Jingjing Ruan, Toshihiro Omori, Ryosuke Kainuma, Kiyohito Ishida, Xingjun Liu*, High-strength Co-Al-V-base superalloys strengthened by γ′-Co3(Al,V) with high solvus temperature, Acta Materialia, 170(2019), 62-74.

(5)Yong Lu, Cuiping Wang, Yipeng Gao, Rongpei Shi, Xingjun Liu,and Yunzhi Wang, Microstructure map for self-organized phase separation during film deposition, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 109(2012), pp. 086101-1-5..

(6)Rongpei Shi, Cuiping Wang, Daniel Wheeler, Xingjun Liu, Yunzhi Wang, Formation Mechanisms of Self-Organized Core/Shell and Core/Shell/Corona Microstructure in Liquid droplets of Immiscible Alloys, Acta Materialia, Vol. 61 (2013) pp.1229-1243.

(7)Weiwei Xu, Jiajia Han, Yi Wang, Cuiping Wang, Xingjun Liu, Zi-Kui Liu, Investigation of electronic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of L12 ordered Co3(M, W) (M = Al, Ge, Ga) phases using first-principles, Acta Materialia, Vol. 61(2013), pp. 5437-5448.

(8)98)Yuheng Liu, Xingjun Liu, Xinren Chen, Shuiyuan Yang, Cuiping Wang*, Hydrogen Generation from Hydrolysis of Activated Al-Bi, Al-Sn Powders Prepared by Gas Atomization Method, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.42(2017), pp. 10943-10951.

(9)Cuiping Wang, Ke Li, Jiajia Han*, Yuechao Chen, Youheng Chen, Yichun Wang, Xingjun Liu*, Temperature dependence of thermodynamic stability and mechanical property of alloying Co3Ta compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 808(2019), 151068.

(10)Hengxing Jiang, Shuiyuan Yang, Cuiping Wang* Yanqing Zhang, Xiao Xu, Yuechao Chen, Toshihiro Omori, Ryosuke Kainuma, Xingjun Liu*, Martensitic transformation and shape memory effects in Co-V-Al alloys at high temperatures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.786 (2019), 648-654.

(11)Cuiping Wang, Lihui Yan, Jiajia Han*, Weiwei Xu, Bin Deng, Xingjun Liu*, Effects of alloying elements on the structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Co3Ta compounds from first-principles calculations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.726 (2017) , 490-497.

(12)Cui Ping Wang, Xing Jun Liu, and Rong Pei Shi, Chen Shen and Yunzhi Wang, Ikuo Ohnuma, Ryosuke Kainuma, and Kiyohito Ishida, Design and formation mechanism of self-organized core/shell structure composite powder in immiscible liquid system, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91(2007), p.141904-1-3.

(13)R.P. Shi, Y. Wang, C.P. Wang, X.J. Liu, Self-organization of core-shell and core-shell-corona structures in small liquid droplets, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98(2011), p.204106-1-3

(14)Cui Ping Wang, Xing Jun Liu, and Rong Pei Shi, Chen Shen and Yunzhi Wang, Ikuo Ohnuma, Ryosuke Kainuma, and Kiyohito Ishida, Design and formation mechanism of self-organized core/shell structure composite powder in immiscible liquid system, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 91(2007), p.141904-1-3.

(15)Cuiping Wang, Tao Yang, Yuheng Liu, Jingjing Ruan, Shuiyuan Yang, Xingjun Liu*, Hydrogen generation by the hydrolysis of magnesium-aluminum-iron material in aqueous solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39 (2014), pp. 10843-10852.

(16)C.P. Wang, X.J. Liu, I. Ohnuma, R. Kainuma and K. Ishida, “Formation of core-type macroscopic morphology in Cu-Fe base alloy with liquid miscibility gap”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol.35A (2004), pp.1243-1253.

(17)X.J. Liu, C.P. Wang, I. Ohnuma, R. Kainuma and K. Ishida, “Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the Cu-Sn and Cu-Sn-Mn systems”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol.35A (2004), pp.1641-1654.

(18)C.P. Wang, J.F. Luo, J.J. Ruan, C.C. Zhao, S.Y. Yang, X.J. Liu, Experimental determination of phase equilibria in the Ni-Hf-Si ternary system, Intermetallics, Vol.42 (2013), pp.14-22.

(19)Z.S. Li, X.J. Liu, C.P. Wang, Thermodynamic modeling of the Pb-U and Pb-Pu systems, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 403 (2010), pp.1-6.

(20)C.P. Wang, Y. He, H.L. Zhang, X.J. Liu, Thermodynamic assessments of the U-Ni and Th-Ni systems, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 487 (2009), pp. 126-131













(12)一种核/壳型锡铋铜合金粉体及其制备方法,ZL 200810071417.1

(13)一种Ni-Cu-Fe-Si多孔合金及其制备方法,ZL 201010283559.1




(17)一种锡铋铜自包裹复合粉的焊膏及其制备方法,ZL 201010610621.3

(18)高強度・低抵抗のCu-Fe系焼結体、それに用いる粉末、およびその焼結体の製造方法,特開2005-290461 (P2005-290461A)(日本专利)

(19)はんだおよびその製造方法,特開2005-161397 (P2005-161397A) (日本专利)

(20)熱電変換モジュール,特開2005-161318 (P2005-161318A) (日本专利)




已先后主持承担了国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、科技部国际科技合作专项、日本科学技术振兴机构与永利集团3044官网欢迎您间的国际合作项目、教育部科技重点项目和教育部博士点基金及专项科研基金(优先发展领域)、厦门市科技计划项目等,并作为主要研究骨干参与了国家重点研发计划、863计划、973计划、科技部国际科技合作项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等重大课题的研究工作。已在包括Science、Physical Review Letters、Acta Materialia、Applied Physics Letters等重要学术刊物上共发表论文350多篇。2005年至今获得日本发明专利3项、中国国家发明专利授权46项、实用新型专利5项。曾获得福建省优秀巾帼发明者、2012年度福建省技术发明奖三等奖(第二发明人)以及 APDIC Best Paper Award等国际学术组织奖励5项。


(1)C.P. Wang, X.J. Liu, I. Ohnuma, R. Kainuma and K. Ishida, Formation of immiscible alloy powders with egg-type microstructure, Science, Vol.297 (2002), pp.990-993.

(2)Yuechao Chen, Cuiping Wang*, Jingjing Ruan, Shuiyuan Yang, Toshihiro Omori, Ryosuke Kainuma, Kiyohito Ishida, Jiajia Han*, Yong Lu, Xingjun Liu*, Development of low-density γ/γʹ Co-Al-Ta-based superalloys with high solvus temperature, Acta Materialia, 188 (2020), 652-664.

(3)Jingjing Ruan, Weiwei Xu, Tao Yang, Jinxin Yu, Shuiyuan Yang*, Junhua Luan, Toshihiro Omori, Cuiping Wang*, Ryosuke Kainuma, Kiyohito Ishida, Chain Tsuan Liu, Xingjun Liu*, Accelerated design of novel W-free high-strength Co-base superalloys with extremely wide γ/γʹ region by machine learning and CALPHAD methods, Acta Materialia, 186 (2020) 425-433.

(4)Yuechao Chen, Cuiping Wang*, Jingjing Ruan, Toshihiro Omori, Ryosuke Kainuma, Kiyohito Ishida, Xingjun Liu*, High-strength Co-Al-V-base superalloys strengthened by γ′-Co3(Al,V) with high solvus temperature, Acta Materialia, 170(2019), 62-74.

(5)Yong Lu, Cuiping Wang, Yipeng Gao, Rongpei Shi, Xingjun Liu,and Yunzhi Wang, Microstructure map for self-organized phase separation during film deposition, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 109(2012), pp. 086101-1-5..

(6)Rongpei Shi, Cuiping Wang, Daniel Wheeler, Xingjun Liu, Yunzhi Wang, Formation Mechanisms of Self-Organized Core/Shell and Core/Shell/Corona Microstructure in Liquid droplets of Immiscible Alloys, Acta Materialia, Vol. 61 (2013) pp.1229-1243.

(7)Weiwei Xu, Jiajia Han, Yi Wang, Cuiping Wang, Xingjun Liu, Zi-Kui Liu, Investigation of electronic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of L12 ordered Co3(M, W) (M = Al, Ge, Ga) phases using first-principles, Acta Materialia, Vol. 61(2013), pp. 5437-5448.

(8)98)Yuheng Liu, Xingjun Liu, Xinren Chen, Shuiyuan Yang, Cuiping Wang*, Hydrogen Generation from Hydrolysis of Activated Al-Bi, Al-Sn Powders Prepared by Gas Atomization Method, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.42(2017), pp. 10943-10951.

(9)Cuiping Wang, Ke Li, Jiajia Han*, Yuechao Chen, Youheng Chen, Yichun Wang, Xingjun Liu*, Temperature dependence of thermodynamic stability and mechanical property of alloying Co3Ta compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 808(2019), 151068.

(10)Hengxing Jiang, Shuiyuan Yang, Cuiping Wang* Yanqing Zhang, Xiao Xu, Yuechao Chen, Toshihiro Omori, Ryosuke Kainuma, Xingjun Liu*, Martensitic transformation and shape memory effects in Co-V-Al alloys at high temperatures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.786 (2019), 648-654.

(11)Cuiping Wang, Lihui Yan, Jiajia Han*, Weiwei Xu, Bin Deng, Xingjun Liu*, Effects of alloying elements on the structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Co3Ta compounds from first-principles calculations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.726 (2017) , 490-497.

(12)Cui Ping Wang, Xing Jun Liu, and Rong Pei Shi, Chen Shen and Yunzhi Wang, Ikuo Ohnuma, Ryosuke Kainuma, and Kiyohito Ishida, Design and formation mechanism of self-organized core/shell structure composite powder in immiscible liquid system, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91(2007), p.141904-1-3.

(13)R.P. Shi, Y. Wang, C.P. Wang, X.J. Liu, Self-organization of core-shell and core-shell-corona structures in small liquid droplets, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98(2011), p.204106-1-3

(14)Cui Ping Wang, Xing Jun Liu, and Rong Pei Shi, Chen Shen and Yunzhi Wang, Ikuo Ohnuma, Ryosuke Kainuma, and Kiyohito Ishida, Design and formation mechanism of self-organized core/shell structure composite powder in immiscible liquid system, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 91(2007), p.141904-1-3.

(15)Cuiping Wang, Tao Yang, Yuheng Liu, Jingjing Ruan, Shuiyuan Yang, Xingjun Liu*, Hydrogen generation by the hydrolysis of magnesium-aluminum-iron material in aqueous solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39 (2014), pp. 10843-10852.

(16)C.P. Wang, X.J. Liu, I. Ohnuma, R. Kainuma and K. Ishida, “Formation of core-type macroscopic morphology in Cu-Fe base alloy with liquid miscibility gap”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol.35A (2004), pp.1243-1253.

(17)X.J. Liu, C.P. Wang, I. Ohnuma, R. Kainuma and K. Ishida, “Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the Cu-Sn and Cu-Sn-Mn systems”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol.35A (2004), pp.1641-1654.

(18)C.P. Wang, J.F. Luo, J.J. Ruan, C.C. Zhao, S.Y. Yang, X.J. Liu, Experimental determination of phase equilibria in the Ni-Hf-Si ternary system, Intermetallics, Vol.42 (2013), pp.14-22.

(19)Z.S. Li, X.J. Liu, C.P. Wang, Thermodynamic modeling of the Pb-U and Pb-Pu systems, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 403 (2010), pp.1-6.

(20)C.P. Wang, Y. He, H.L. Zhang, X.J. Liu, Thermodynamic assessments of the U-Ni and Th-Ni systems, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 487 (2009), pp. 126-131













(12)一种核/壳型锡铋铜合金粉体及其制备方法,ZL 200810071417.1

(13)一种Ni-Cu-Fe-Si多孔合金及其制备方法,ZL 201010283559.1




(17)一种锡铋铜自包裹复合粉的焊膏及其制备方法,ZL 201010610621.3

(18)高強度・低抵抗のCu-Fe系焼結体、それに用いる粉末、およびその焼結体の製造方法,特開2005-290461 (P2005-290461A)(日本专利)

(19)はんだおよびその製造方法,特開2005-161397 (P2005-161397A) (日本专利)

(20)熱電変換モジュール,特開2005-161318 (P2005-161318A) (日本专利)

学位 职称 教授,博士生导师
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 wangcp@xmu.edu.cn 电话 0592-2180606 (实验室)

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