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中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 工学博士(1998)


1998.09 – 2000.09 日本国立无机材质研究所(现NIMS),STA Fellow博士后

2000.10 – 2000.12 日本国立无机材质研究所(现NIMS),特别研究员

2001.01 – 2002.03 日本国立产业技术综合研究所(AIST),JST博士后

2002.04 – 2003.03 德国达姆斯塔特工业大学,洪堡学者

2003.04 – 2007.03 日本国立材料研究所(NIMS),主任研究员(终身职位)

2007.04 – 2014.03 日本国立材料研究所(NIMS),首席研究员(终身职位)

2011.03 – 2014.02 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,旗舰人才(兼职)

2011.09 – 2012.10 荷兰艾因霍恩理工大学,访问教授

2014.03 – 2017.12日本国立材料研究所(NIMS),主席研究员(终身职位)

2014.11 – 至今 永利集团3044官网欢迎您,国家高层次人才,教授








先后承担了日本文部省和学术振兴学会、国家基金委和科技部多项有关稀土发光材料及其应用的科研项目,包括主持日本JSPS基础研究项目、科技部重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金中荷国际合作项目、国家自然科学基金海峡联合基金重点项目和面上项目等科研项目。已在Nat.Photon., Nat. Commun.,Chem. Rev., Matter, Adv. Mater., Light: Sci.& Appl., Adv. Funct. Mater.等国内外著名学术刊物上共发表SCI收录论文300多篇,引用3万余次,H因子90 (Google Scholar)。出版了《Nitride Phosphors and Solid State Lighting》英文专著一部,参与编写了专著四部。已授权中国、日本、美国和韩国等国发明专利60余件。




2.中国专利 ZL202010854265.3,解荣军,夏永辉,李淑星;一种氮化物橙红色荧光材料和发光装置及其制备方法和应用, 2021/12/17










12.中国专利ZL201811070050.1, 解荣军,刘荣辉,曾华涛,周天亮,刘元红;一种宽带发射近红外发光物质及包含该物质的发光器件,2020/5/22




16.美国专利US8883039,広崎尚登,解栄軍,三友護;蛍光体とその製造方法および照明器具, 2014/11/11

17.欧洲专利EP1997865 B1,解栄軍,広崎尚登;Phosphor, method for producing same, and light emitting device, 2013/6/11

18.欧洲专利EP2366754 B1,広崎尚登,解栄軍;Phosphor, production method thereof and light emitting instrument, 2014/8/27


20.日本专利JP5294245,広崎尚登,李遠強,解栄軍;蛍光体とその製造方法および照明器具, 2013/6/21

21.台湾地区专利I384053,広崎尚登,解栄軍,三友護;蛍光体とその製造方法および照明器具, 2013/2/1










31.中国专利ZL200580036164.9,広崎尚登,解栄軍;蛍光体とその製造方法および照明器具, 2012/6/6

32.韩国专利KR1118459,広崎尚登,解栄軍,三友護;蛍光体とその製造方法および照明器具, 2012/2/13






38.美国专利US7910023B2,解栄軍,三友護,広崎尚登,山本吉信;Lithium-containing SiAlON Phosphor and Method of Manufacturing the same, 2011/3/22

39.美国专利US7825580B2,広崎尚登,解栄軍;Fluorophor and Method for Production thereof and Illuminator, 2010/11/2


41.美国专利US7713443B2,広崎尚登,解栄軍;Phosphor Production Method, 2010/5/11

42.美国专利US7540977B2,広崎尚登,解栄軍;Phosphor, Production Method thereof and Light Emitting Instrument, 2009/6/2



1)Rong-Jun Xie, Yuanqiang Li, Naoto Hirosaki, Hajime Yamamoto, Nitride phosphors and Solid State Lighting,ISBN: 9781439830116, CRC Press (Francis & Taylor Group).Published in 2011, 386 pages.

2)Rong-Jun Xie and Naoto Hirosaki, “Packaging. Phosphors and White LED Packaging” in III-Nitride Based Light Emitting Diodes and Applications (Eds. T.-Y. Seong, J. Han,H. Amano, and H. Morkoc), Springer, 2013.

3)Le Wang and Rong-Jun Xie, “Nitride and Oxynitride Phosphors for Light Emitting Diodes” in Materials for Solid State Lighting and Displays (Eds. A. Kitai), ISBN:978-1-119-14058-0, Wiley, 2016.



1) C.J. Lin, Z.S. Wu, H.L. Ma, J.B. Liu, S.H. You, A.Q. Lv, W.P. Ye, J. Xu, H.F. Shi, B.L. Zha, W. Huang, Z.F. An*, Y.X. Zhuang* and R.-J. Xie*, Charge trapping for controllable persistent luminescence in organics, Nat. Photon., 18:4 (2024).

2) X. Pan, Y.X. Zhuang*, W. He, C.J. Lin, L. Mei, C.J. Chen, H. Xue, Z. Sun, C.F. Wang, D. Peng, Y.Q. Zheng, C.F. Pan, L.X. Wang* and  R.-J. Xie*, Quantifying the interfacial triboelectricity in inorganic-organic composite mechanoluminescent materials, Nat. Commun., 15: 2673 (2024).

3) C.J. Lin, Z.S. Wu, J. Ueda, R. Yang, S.H. You, A. Lv, W. Deng, Q. Du, R. Li, Z.F. An, J. Xue,* Y.X. Zhuang* and R.-J. Xie*, Enabling Visible-Light-Charged Near-Infrared Persistent Luminescence in Organics by Intermolecular Charge Transfer, Adv. Mater., 36: 2401000 (2024).

4) T. Gong, Y. Yang, T.T. Xuan,* W.H. Bai, H. Dong, T.L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Local Light Field Control Enables Efficient Quantum Dot Color Conversion Films for Mini-LED Backlit Displays, Laser Photon. Rev., 2301097 (2024).

5) Y. Li, S. Fang, Q. Zhu, S.X. Li, B. Liu, F. Feng, R.-J. Xie* and L. Wang*, Breaking Through the Luminescence Stability Bottleneck of Oxyfluoride Phosphor for Sun-Like Led Lighting, Laser Photon. Rev., 2300915 (2024).

6)  D.J. Tian, H. Xu, L.O. Yang, J.J. Zhou, F.Y. Lin, X.L. Liu, K. Tan*, R.-J. Xie* and X. Chen, Tunable Emission of Low-Dimensional Organic Metal Halides by Stoichiometric Ratio and Metal Center, Inorg. Chem., 63: 4738 (2024).

7) L. Wang*, S.C. Shi, L. Yin, Y. Zhai, T.T. Xuan, B. Liu and R.-J. Xie*, Water-Soluble Quantum Dots for Inkjet Printing Color Conversion Films with Simultaneous High Efficiency and Stability, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16: 5050 (2024).

8) Y. Lv*, Y.K. Li, Z.Y. Li and R.-J. Xie*, Near-Infrared Emission of Sm2+ in Oxynitrides, Adv. Opt. Mater., 12:10 (2024).

9) Y. Huang, F. Lin, F Li, J. Jin, Z. Guo, D. Tian, R.-J. Xie* and X. Chen*, Photoluminescence Enhancement in Silica-Confined Ligand-Free Perovskite Nanocrystals by Suppression of Silanol-Induced Traps and Phase Impurities, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., e202402520 (2024)

10) J. Wang, Y.-C. Ao, S.-J. Zhao, G.-H. Li, G.-M. Cai* and R.-J. Xie*, Tb3+-Doped Ca3Ga4O9 Phosphors with Color-Tunable Photoluminescence and Non-Pre-Irradiation Mechanoluminescence for Multimodal Applications, Adv. Optical Mater., 2401115 (2024).

11) R. Yang, L. Chen, C.J. Lin, H. Huang, Z.S. Wu, C. Zhan, Y.X. Zhuang* and R.-J. Xie*, Relationship between photochromism and persistent luminescence in barium-magnesium silicates, Chem. Eng. J., 493: 152578 (2024).


1) W.H. Bai, M.M. Liang, T.T. Xuan*, T. Gong, L. Bian, H.L. Li and R.-J.  Xie*, Ligand Engineering Enables Efficient Pure Red Tin-Based Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes, Angew. Chem.Intl. Ed., 23, 62: 50.

2) W.H. Bai, T.T. Xuan*, H.Y. Zhao, H. Dong, X. Cheng, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes with an External Quantum Efficiency Exceeding 30%, Adv. Mater., 35: 39 (2023).

3) C.J. Chen, Z. Lin, H. Huang, X. Pan, T.L. Zhou, H.D. Luo, J. Jin, D. Peng, J. Xu, Y.X. Zhuang* and R.-J. Xie*, Revealing the Intrinsic Decay of Mechanoluminescence for Achieving Ultrafast-Response Stress Sensing, Adv. Funct. Mater., 33: 46 (2023).

4) S.X. Li*, R.D. Tian, T. Yan, Y.Q. Guo, Y.P. Liu, T.L. Zhou, L. Wang and R.-J. Xie*, Small-sized nitride phosphors achieving mini-LED backlights with superhigh brightness and ultralong durability, Mater. Today, 70: 82 (2023).

5) T.L. Deng, D. Halmurat, Z. Shen, T. Yan, S.X. Li*, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Pixelated Phosphor Converter for Laser-Driven Adaptive Lighting, Laser Photon. Rev. 17: 9 (2023).

6) H.Y. Zhao, T.T. Xuan*, W.H. Bai, H. Dong, G.Y. Dong* and R.-J. Xie*, Fluorine Polymer-Modified Dion-Jacobson Perovskites Enabling Sky-Blue Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes with an Efficiency of 16.55%, Laser Photon. Rev., 17: 8 (2023).

7) Z. Lin, C.J. Chen, H. Huang, B. Xu, Y.X. Zhuang* and R.-J. Xie*, Achieving room-temperature self-healing of mechanoluminescent materials by dynamic borate ester bonding, Sci. Chin. Mater., 66: 4464 (2023).

8) H. Dong, H.Y. Zhao, T.T. Xuan*, W.H. Bai, T.Y. Lin, Y.X. Cai and R.-J. Xie*, Constructing Perovskite/Polymer Core/Shell Nanocrystals with Simultaneous High Efficiency and Stability for Mini-LED Backlights, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 15: 29297 (2023).

9) Y.X. Cai, Y. Yang, H. Dong, T.T. Xuan*, X.Y. Tang* and R.-J. Xie*, Pure red CsPbBr0.96I2.04/SiO2 core/shell nanocrystals with simultaneous high efficiency and stability for Mini-LEDs, J. Mater. Chem. C, 11: 9486 (2023).

10) J.Y. Wang, X.D. Wang, C. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, T.L. Zhou* and R.-J. Xie*, Broadband emitting phosphor Sr6Sc2Al4O15:Cr3+ for near-infrared LEDs, J. Mater. Chem. C, 11: 9030 (2023).

11) X.D. Wang, Y. Zhao, M. Yin, T.L. Zhou* and R.-J. Xie*, Cr3+-Doped La2MgSnO6 Double Perovskite Phosphors for Near-Infrared pc-LEDs, J. Phys. Chem. C, 127: 22799 (2023).

12) Y.F. Song, J.R. Du, R. Yang, C.J. Lin, W. Chen, Z.S. Wu, H.W. Lin, X. Chen, Y.X. Zhuang* and R.-J. Xie*, Recyclable Time-Temperature Indicator Enabled by Light Storage in Particles, Adv. Opt. Mater., 11: 8 (2023).

13) Y.J. Zhao, X. Wang, A. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Li, R.-J. Xie*, J.R. van Ommen and H.T. Hintzen*, Enhancing thermal degradation stability of BaSi2O2N2:Eu2+ for white light-emitting diodes by ultra-thin Al2O3 layer via atomic layer deposition, Ceram. Int., 49: 27423 (2023).

14) L. Wang, G. Ding, S.X. Li, S. Funahashi, T. Takeda, L. Yin, P. Liang, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Broadband orange-emitting Sr3Si8O4N10:Eu2+ phosphor discovered by a modified single-particle-diagnosis approach, J. Adv. Ceram., 12: 734 (2023).

15) Z.Y. Li*, B. Li, W. Liu, D. Yan, Q. Tang, Z. Fang and R.-J. Xie*, Doping Mn2+ in a new layered halide double perovskite PPA4NaInCl8 (PPA+=C6H5(CH2)3NH3+): dimensional reduction accelerating Mn2+ dissolution and separation for efficient light emission, Adv. Opt. Mater., 11: 8 (2023).

16) R.M. Li , H.Y. Zeng, S. Bai, Z. Jia, Y. Xu, F. Yao, Y. Liu, H. Huang, Y. Li*, R.-J.  Xie* and Q.Q. Lin*, Modulating the Quantum Efficiency of Sb2S3-Based Photodiodes Based on Conventional and Inverted Structures, Laser Photon. Rev., 17: 5 (2023).

17) M. Huang, Q.Q. Zhu, S.X. Li, Y. Zhai, H. Zhang, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Thermally robust Al2O3-La3Si6N11:Ce3+ composite phosphor-in-glass (PiG) films for high-power and high-brightness laser-driven lighting, J. Mater. Chem. C, 11: 488 (2023).


1)T. Lin, H.X. Chen, S.X. Li*, L. Wang*, F. Huang and R.-J. Xie*, Bi-color phosphor-in-glass films achieve superior color quality laser-driven stage spotlights, Chem. Eng. J., 444: 136591 (2022).

2)T.L. Deng, L.H. Huang, S.X. Li*, Q.Q. Zhu, L. Wang*, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Thermally Robust Orange-Red-Emitting Color Converters for Laser-Driven Warm White Light with High Overall Optical Properties, Laser Photon. Rev., DOI10.1002/lpor.202100722.

3)K. Jiang*, Y.C. Wang, C.J. Lin, L.C. Zheng, J.R. Du, Y.X. Zhuang, R.-J. Xie, Z.J. Li and H.W. Lin*, Enabling robust and hour-level organic long persistent luminescence from carbon dots by covalent fixation, Light: Sci. Appl., 11: 80 (2022).

4)W.H. Bai, T.T. Xuan*, H.Y. Zhao, S.C. Shi, X.Y. Zhang, T.L. Zhou, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Microscale Perovskite Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes (Micro-PeLEDs) for Full-Color Displays, Adv. Opt. Mater., DOI:10.1002/adom.202200087

5)T.T. Xuan*, S.Q. Guo, W.H. Bai, T.L. Zhou, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Ultrastable and highly efficient green-emitting perovskite quantum dot composites for Mini-LED displays or backlights, Nano Energy, 95: 107003 (2022).

6)M. Amachraa, S.X. Li, P.Y. Huang, R.S. Liu, Z.B. Wang*, R-J. Xie* and S.P. Ong*, MxLa1−xSiO2−yNz (M = Ca/Sr/Ba): Elucidating and tuning the structure and Eu2+ local environments to develop full-visible spectrum phosphors, Chem. Mater., 34: 4039 (2022).

7)M. Zhang, S.W. Zhang, C.C. Wu, W.S. Li, Y. Wu, C. Yang*, Z. Meng, W. Xu, M. Tang, R.-J. Xie, H. Meng* and G.D. Wei*, Fine emission tuning from near-ultraviolet to saturated blue with rationally designed carbene-based [3+2+1] iridium(III) complexes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14: 1546 (2022).

8)H.Y. Zhao, T. Lin, S.C. Shi, W.H. Bai, T.T. Xuan*, T.L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Water-induced reversible phase transformation between cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals enables fluorescent anti-counterfeiting, J. Mater. Chem. C, 10: 7552 (2022).

9)Y. Li, M.L. Cai, M.L. Shen, Y.T. Cai* and R.-J. Xie*, Bidentate aliphatic quaternary ammonium ligand-stabilized CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals with high PLQY (92.3%) and superior stability, J. Mater. Chem., 10: 8356 (2022).

10)L. Zhang, Z.M. Wang, Y.T. Cai, R.-J. Xie, J.S. Ma, H.Y. Hu and Y.H. Dong, Large-coverage white-light controller combining adaptive QoS-enhanced Mqam-NOMA for high-speed visible light communication, J. Lightwave Tech., 40: 415 (2022).

11)Y. Meng, Q.Q. Zhu, M.H. Huang, X.Y. Hu, H. Zhang, S.X. Li, R.-J. Xie* and L. Wang*, Sandwich structured phosphor-in-glass films enabling laser lighting with superior optical properties, Ceram. Int., 48: 13626 (2022).

12)X.L. Peng, S.X. Li*, B. Zhang, Z.H. Liu, H. Zhang, R.D. Tian, X. Yao, Z. Huang, R.-J. Xie* and X.-J. Liu*, Microstructure tailoring of red-emitting AlN-CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ composite phosphor ceramics with higher optical properties for laser lighting, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 42: 3339 (2022).


1)Y.X, Zhuang*, D. Chen, W. Chen, W. Zhang, X. Su, R. Deng, Z. An, H. Chen and R.-J. Xie*, X-ray-charged bright persistent luminescence in NaYF4:Ln3+@NaYF4 nanoparticles for multidimensional optical information storage, Light Sci. Appl., 10: 132 (2021).

2)C. Chen, T.T. Xuan*, W. Bai, T.-L. Zhou, F. Huang, A. Xie, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Highly stable CsPbI3:Sr2+ nanocrystals with near-unity quantum yield enabling perovskite light-emitting diodes with an external quantum efficiency of 17.1%, Nano Energy, 85: 106033 (2021).

3)Y.P. Huang, Z. Lai, J. Jin, F. Lin, F. Li, L. Lin, D. Tian, Y. Wang, R-J. Xie* and X. Chen*, Ultrasensitive temperature sensing based on ligand-free alloyed CsPbClxBr3−x perovskite nanocrystals confined in hollow mesoporous silica with high density of halide vacancies, Small, 17: 2103425 (2021).

4)Y.P. Huang, Y. Feng, F. Li, F. Lin, Y. Wang, X. Chen* and R.-J. Xie*, Sensing studies and applications based on metal halide perovskite materials: Current advances and future perspectives, Trends Anal. Chem., 134: 116127 (2021).

5)G. Song, Z.Y. Li, P. Gong*, R.-J. Xie* anad Z. Lin*, Tunable white light emission in a zero-dimensional organic–inorganic metal halide hybrid with ultra-high color rendering index, Adv. Opt. Mater., 9: 2002246 (2021).

6)Z.Y. Li, C. Zhang, B. Li, C. Lin, Y. Li*, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Large-scale room-temperature synthesis of high-efficiency lead-free perovskite derivative (NH4)2SnCl6:Te phosphor for warm wLEDs, Chem. Eng. J., 420: 129740 (2021).

7)J.B. Liu, Z. Qiao, Q. Xie, D.-L. Peng* and R.-J. Xie*, Phosphorus-Doped Metal−Organic Framework-Derived CoS2 Nanoboxes with Improved Adsorption-Catalysis Effect for Li−S Batteries, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13: 15226 (2021).

8)Z. Wang, Z. Wei, Y. Cai, L. Wang, M. Li, P. Liu, R.-J. Xie, L. Wang, G.D. Wei* and H.Y. Fu*, Encapsulation-enabled perovskite−PMMA films combining a Micro-LED for high-speed white-light communication, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13: 54143 (2021).

9)W.W. Chen, Y.X. Zhuang*, C. Chen, Y. Lv, M.S. Wang and R.-J. Xie*, Lanthanide-doped metal-organic frameworks with multicolor mechanoluminescence, Sci. China Mater., 64: 931 (2021).

10)X. Liu, X. Qian, P. Zheng, X. Chen, Y. Feng, Y. Shi, J. Zou*, R-J. Xie* and J. Li*, Composition and structure design of three-layered composite phosphors for high color rendering chip-on-board light-emitting diode devices, J. Adv. Ceram., 10: 729 (2021).

11)X.L. Peng, S.X. Li*, Z. Liu, B. Zhang, Y. Peng, D. Yu, R. Tian, X. Yao, Z. Huang, X.J. Liu* and R.-J. Xie*, Highly thermal conductive red-emitting AlN-CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ composite phosphor ceramics for high-power laser-driven lighting, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 41: 5650 (2021).

12)Q. Tian, G. Ding, Y. Cai, Z. Li, X. Tang*, R-J. Xie* and P. Gao*, Enhanced performance of perovskite solar cells loaded with iodine-rich CsPbI3 quantum dots, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 4: 7535 (2021).

13)T. Lin, T.T. Xuan* and R.-J. Xie*, Perspective—Synthesis and Light-Emitting Diode Applications of High Efficiency Indium Phosphide Core/Shell Quantum Dots using Tris(Dimethylamino) Phosphine, ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., 10: 086001 (2021).

14)F. Yao, Y. Cai, Z. Xiao, G. Zhang*, R.-J. Xie* and C.H. Jin*, In situ transmission electron microscopy study of the formation and migration of vacancy defects in atomically thin black phosphorus, 2D Mater., 8: 025004 (2021).

15)F. Yao, Z. Xiao, J. Qiao, W. Ji, R.-J. Xie* and C.H. Jin*, In situ TEM study of edge reconstruction and evolution in monolayer black phosphorus, Nanoscale, 13: 4133 (2021).

16)P. Zheng, S.X. Li∗, T. Takeda, J. Xu, K. Takahashi, R. Tian, R. Wei, L. Wang∗, T.-L. Zhou, N. Hirosaki, R.-J. Xie∗,Unraveling the luminescence quenching of phosphors under high-power-density excitation, Acta Mater., 209:116813 (2021).

17)C.J. Chen, Y.X. Zhuang*, X. Li, F. Lin, D. Peng, D. Tu, A. Xie* and R.-J. Xie*, Achieving Remote Stress and Temperature Dual-Modal Imaging by Double-Lanthanide-Activated Mechanoluminescent Materials, Adv. Funct. Mater., 31: 2101567 (2021)

18)S. Shi, W. Bai, T.T. Xuan*, T. L. Zhou, G. Dong* and R.-J. Xie*, In situ inkjet printing patterned lead halide perovskite quantum dot color conversion films by using cheap and eco-friendly aqueous inks, Small Methods, 15: 200889 (2021).

19)L. You, R.D. Tian, T.L. Zhou* and R.-J. Xie*, Broadband near-infrared phosphor BaMgAl10O17:Cr3+ realized by crystallographic site engineering, Chem. Eng. J., 417: 129224 (2021).

20)Y.K. Wang, D.R. Chen, Y.X. Zhuang*, W.J. Chen, H.Y. Long, H.M. Chen and R.-J. Xie*, NaMgF3:Tb3+@NaMgF3 nanoparticles containing deep traps for optical information storage, Adv. Opt. Mater., DOI: 10.1002/adom.202100624.

21)W. Bai, S. Shi, T. Lin, T.L. Zhou, T.T. Xuan* and R.-J. Xie*, Near-unity cyan-green emitting lead-free all-inorganic cesium copper chloride phosphors for full-spectrum white light-emitting diodes, Adv. Photonics Res., 2: 2000158 (2021).

22)T. Takeda, S. Funahashi, R.-J. Xie and N. Hirosaki, Broadband white luminescent phosphor Ba(Si7-xAlx)Liy(N10-x+yOx-y):Eu2+ with a high color rendering index for solid state lighting, J. Mater. Chem. C, 9: 5497 (2021).

23)C. Fang, Y. Li, Y. Cai, T.L. Zhou, X.Y. Tang* and R.-J. Xie*, Facial synthesis of highly stable and bright CsPbX3 (X=Cl, Br, I) perovskite nanocrystals via an anion exchange at the water-oil interface, Sci. China Mater., 64: 158-168 (2021).

24)Y.X. Zhuang* and R.-J. Xie*, Mechanoluminescence rebrightening the prospects of stress sensing: A review, Adv., Mater., 2021, 2005925 (DOI: 10.1002/adma.202005925)

25)X.J. Wang and R.-J. Xie*, Screening and discovery of phosphors by the single-particle-diagnosis approach, J. Appl. Phys., 129 (12): 123106 (2021).

26)S. You, S.X. Li*, L. Wang*, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Ternary solid solution phosphors Ca1-x-yLixAl1-x-ySi1+x+yN3-yOy:Ce3+ with enhanced thermal stability for high-power laser lighting, Chem. Eng. J., 404: 126575 (2021).

27)彭星淋,李淑星,刘泽华,姚秀敏,解荣军,黄政仁,刘学建;大功率固态照明用荧光陶瓷研究进展,无机材料学报,36: 807 (2021).


1)R.-J. Xie*, Light-emitting diodes: brighter NIR-emitting phosphor making light sources smarter, Light: Sci. Appl., 9:155 (2020).

2)R.-J. Xie*, Development of sialon phosphors and their applications to solid-state lighting, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 128: 710-717 (2020).

3)X.Y. Zhuang*, D. Tu, C. Chen, L. Wang, H. Zhang, H. Xue, C. Yuan, G. Chen, C. Pan, L. Dai and R.-J. Xie*, Force-induced charge carrier storage: a new route for stress recording, Light: Sci. Appl., 9:182 (2020).

4)S. You, S.X. Li, Y. Jia* and R.-J. Xie*, Interstitial site engineering for creating unusual red emission in La3Si6N11:Ce3+, Chem. Mater., 32: 3631 (2020).

5)S. You, Y. Zhou, Q.L. Chen, J. Brgoch* and R.-J. Xie*, Dual-site occupancy induced broadband cyan emission in Ba2CaB2Si4O14:Ce3+, J. Mater. Chem. C, 8(44): 15626 (2020).

6)C.J. Chen, Y.X. Zhuang*, D. Tu, X.D Wang, C.F. Pan and R.-J. Xie*, Creating visible-to-near-infrared mechanoluminescence in mixed-anion compounds SrZn2S2O and SrZnSO,Nano Energy, 68, 104329 (2020).

7)X.L. Xiao. Y. Li* and R.-J. Xie*, Blue-emitting and self-assembled thinner perovskite CsPbBr3 nanoplates: synthesis and formation mechanism, Nanoscale, 9231-9239 (2020).

8)M.Q. Mao, T.L. Zhou*, H.T. Zeng, L. Wang*, F. Huang, X.Y. Tang and R.-J. Xie*, Broadband near-infrared (NIR) emission realized by the crystal-field engineering of Y3-xCaxAl5-xSixO12:Cr3+ (x = 0-2.0) garnet phosphors, J. Mater. Chem. C, 8(6): 1981-1988 (2020).

9)X.F. Luo, Z.Y. Hou, T.L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, A universal HF‐free synthetic method to highly efficient narrow‐band red‐emitting A2XF6:Mn4+ (A = K, Na, Rb, Cs; X = Si, Ge, Ti) phosphors, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 103(2): 1018-1026 (2020).

10)L. Wang*, R. Wei, P. Zheng, S.H. You, T.L. Zhou, W. Yi, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Realizing high-brightness and ultra-wide-color gamut laser-driven backlighting by using laminated phosphor-in-glass (PiG) films, J. Mater. Chem. C, 8: 1746-1754 (2020).

11)C. Xia, Y. Xu, M.M. Cao, Y.P. Liu, J.F. Xia, D.Y. Jiang, G.H. Zhou, R.-J. Xie, D.F. Zhang and H.L. Li*, A selective and sensitive fluorescent probe for bilirubin in human serum based on europium (III) post-functionalized Zr(IV)-Based MOFs, Talanta, 212: 120795 (2020).

12)X.F. Luo and R.-J. Xie*, Recent progress on discovery of novel phosphors for solid state lighting, J. Rare Earths, 38: 464 (2020).

13)Z.Y. Wang, Y. Cheng, C Zhang, D. Wang, P. Liang, H. Zhang, R.-J. Xie* and L. Wang*, Electronic structure and optical properties of vacancy-ordered double perovskites Cs2Pd BrxCl6-x by first-principles calculation, J. Mater. Chem. C, 124: 13310 (2020).

14)T.T. Xuan, S.C. Shi, L. Wang, H.C. Guo and R.-J. Xie*, Inkjet-printed quantum dot color conversion films for high-resolution and full-color micro light-emitting diode displays, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11: 5184 (2020).

15)M.N. Wu, Y.X. Zhuang*, J.B. Liu, W.W. Chen, X.Y. Li and R.-J. Xie*, Ratiometric fluorescence detection of 2,6-pyridine dicarboxylic acid with a dual-emitting lanthanide metal-organic framework (MOF), Opt. Mater., 106: 110006 (2020).

16)T.T. Xuan and R.-J. Xie*, Recent processes on light-emitting lead-free metal halide perovskites, Chem. Eng. J., 393: 124757 (2020).

17)J.Y. Si, L.H. Liu, Q.F. Liang, W. Yi, G.M. Cai, J. Zhang, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Enhanced quantum efficiency and thermal stability in tunable yellow-emitting SrxCa1-xAlSiN3:Ce3+phosphor, J. Alloy Compds., 831: 154791 (2020).

18)N.S.M. Viswanath, G. K. Grandhi, H.J. Kim, Y.X. Zhuang, R.-J. Xie and W.B. Im, A new persistent blue-emitting phosphor: Tailoring the trap density for enhancing the persistent time, Appl. Mater. Today, 18: 100518 (2020).

19)Y. Wu, Y.X. Zhuang*, R.-J. Xie*, K. Ruan and X. Ouyang, Novel Mn4+ doped red phosphors composed of MgAl2O4 and CaAl12O19 phases for light-emitting diodes, Dalton Trans., 49: 3603 (2020).


1)Z.Y. Li, Y. Li, P. Liang, T.L. Zhou, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Dual-Band Luminescent Lead-Free Antimony Chloride Halides with Near-Unity Photoluminescence Quantum Efficiency, Chem. Mater., 31(22): 9363-9371 (2019).

2)P. Zheng, S.X. Li*, R. Wei, L. Wang*, T.L. Zhou, Y.R. Xu, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Unique Design Strategy for Laser-Driven Color Converters Enabling Superhigh-Luminance and High-Directionality White Light, Laser Photonic Rev., 13(10): 1900147 (2019).

3)Y.R. Xu, S.X. Li*, P. Zheng, L. Wang*, S.H. You, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, A search for extra-high brightness laser-driven color converters by investigating thermally-induced luminance saturation, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7(37): 11449-11456 (2019).

4)S.X. Li, Y.H. Xia, M. Amachraa, N.T. Huang, Z.B. Wang*, S.P. Ong* and R.-J. Xie*, Data-Driven Discovery of Full-Visible-Spectrum Phosphor, Chem. Mater., 31(16): 6286-6294 (2019).

5)W. Sun, L. Luo, Y. Feng, Y. Cai, Y.X. Zhuang, R.-J. Xie, X.Y. Chen* and H.M. Chen*, Aggregation-Induced Emission Gold Clustoluminogens for Enhanced Low-Dose X-ray-Induced Photodynamic Therapy, Angew. Chem., 131: 1-8 (2019).

6)S.X. Li and R.-J. Xie*, Review-Data-Driven Discovery of Novel Phosphors, ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., 9(1): 016013 (2019).

7)Y.T. Cai, Y. Li, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, A Facile Synthesis of Water-Resistant CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots Loaded Poly(methyl methacrylate) Composite Microspheres Based on In Situ Polymerization, Adv. Opt. Mater., 7(22): 1901075 (2019).

8)H.T. Zeng, T.L. Zhou*, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Two-Site Occupation for Exploring Ultra-Broadband Near-Infrared Phosphor-Double-Perovskite La2MgZrO6:Cr3+, Chem. Mater., 31(14): 5245-5253 (2019).

9)Y.J. Zhao, L.J. Yin, M. ten Kate, B. Dierre, R. Abellon, R.-J. Xie*, J.R. van Ommen and H.T. Hintzen, Enhanced thermal degradation stability of the Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+ phosphor by ultra-thin Al2O3 coating through the atomic layer deposition technique in a fluidized bed reactor, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7(19): 5772-5781 (2019).

10)C.J. Lin, Y.X. Zhuang*, W.H. Li, T.L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Blue, green, and red full-color ultralong afterglow in nitrogen-doped carbon dots, Nanoscale, 11(14): 6584-6590 (2019).

11)J.C. Wang, X.Y. Tang*, P. Zheng, S.X. Li*, T.L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Thermally self-managing YAG:Ce-Al2O3 color converters enabling high-brightness laser-driven solid state lighting in a transmissive configuration, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7(13): 3901-3908 (2019).

12)Y. Lv, D. Ding, Y.X. Zhuang*, Y. Feng, J. Shi, H. Zhang, T.L. Zhou, H. Chen* and R.-J. Xie*, Chromium-Doped Zinc Gallogermanate@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8: A Multifunctional Nanoplatform for Rechargeable In Vivo Persistent Luminescence Imaging and pH-Responsive Drug Release, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11: 1907−1916 (2019).

13)Y.T. Cai, H.R. Wang, Y. Li*, L. Wang, Y. Lv, X.Y. Yang* and R.-J. Xie*, Trimethylsilyl Iodine-Mediated Synthesis of Highly Bright Red-Emitting CsPbI3 Perovskite Quantum Dots with Significantly Improved Stability, Chem. Mater., 31(3): 881-889 (2019).

14)L. Zhang, W. He, D.-L. Peng, Q.S. Xie* and R.-J. Xie*, A Layered Lithium-Rich Li(Li0.2Ni0.15Mn0.55Co0.1)O2 Cathode Material: Surface Phase Modification and Enhanced Electrochemical Properties for Lithium-Ion Batteries, ChemElectroChem., 6: 1542-1551 (2019).

15)S.H. You, S.X. Li*, P. Zheng, T.L. Zhou, L. Wang*, L.H. Liu, N. Hirosaki, F.F. Xu and R.-J. Xie*, A Thermally Robust La3Si6N11:Ce-in-Glass Film for High-Brightness Blue-Laser-Driven Solid State Lighting, Laser Photonics Rev., 13(2): 1800216 (2019).

16)C.Y. Wang*, T. Takeda*, O.M. ten Kate, S. Funahahshi, R.-J. Xie, K. Takahashi and N. Hirosaki, New Deep-Blue-Emitting Ce-Doped A4-mBnC19+2mX29+m (A = Sr, La; B = Li; C = Si, Al; X = O, N; 0  m  1; 0  n  1) Phosphors for High-Color-Rendering Warm White Light-Emitting Diodes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 11(32): 29047-29055 (2019).

17)P. Chen*, Q.Q. Zhu, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, A promising thermally robust blue-green Li-alpha-sialon:Ce3+ for ultraviolet LED-driven white LEDs, J. Alloy Compds., 805: 1004-1012 (2019).

18)X. Liu, X. Qian, P. Zheng, Z. Hu, X. Chen, H. Pan, J. Zou, R.-J. Xie and J. Li*, Preparation and optical properties of MgAl2O4-Ce:GdYAG composite ceramic phosphors for white LEDs, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 39(15): 4965-4971 (2019).

19)Y.F. Liu*, S. Liu, P. Sun, Y.B. Du, S. Lin, R.-J. Xie*, R. Dong, J. Jiang and H.C. Jiang, Transparent Ceramics Enabling High Luminous Flux and Efficacy for the Next-Generation High-Power LED Light, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 11(24): 21697-21701 (2019).

20)S. Liu, P. Sun, Y.F. Liu*, T.L. Zhou, S.X. Li, R.-J. Xie*, X. Xu, R. Dong, J. Jiang and H.C. Jiang, Warm White Light with a High Color-Rendering Index from a Single Gd3Al4GaO12:Ce3+ Transparent Ceramic for High-Power LEDs and LDs, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 11(2): 2130-2139 (2019).

21)X.J. Zhang, S.C. Si, J.B. Yu, Z.J. Wang, R.H. Zhang, B.F. Lei, Y.L. Liu, J.L. Zhuang, C.F. Hu, Y.J. Cho, R.-J. Xie, H.W. Zhang, Z.F. Tian and J. Wang, Improving the luminous efficacy and resistance to blue laser irradiation of phosphor-in-glass based solid state laser lighting through employing dual-functional sapphire plate, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7(2): 354-361 (2019).

22)C.H. Li, Y. Li, T.L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Ultrasonic synthesis of Mn-doped CsPbCl3 quantum dots (QDs) with enhanced photoluminescence, Opt. Mater., 94: 41-46 (2019).

23)R. Wei, L. Wang*, P. Zheng, H.T. Zeng, G.M. Pan, H. Zhang, P. Liang, T.L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, On the luminance saturation of phosphor-in-glass (PiG) films for blue-laser driven white lighting: Effects of the phosphor content and the film thickness, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 39(5): 1909-1917 (2019).

24)Y.B. Wu, Y.X. Zhuang*, Y. Lv, K.B. Ruan and R.-J. Xie*, A high-performance non-rare-earth deep-red-emitting Ca14-xSrxZn6Al10O35:Mn4+ phosphor for high-power plant growth LEDs, J. Alloy Compds., 781: 702-709 (2019).

25)C. Zhang, T. Uchikoshi*, R.-J. Xie*, L.H. Liu, Y. Sakka and N. Hirosaki, Significantly improved photoluminescence of the green-emitting -sialon:Eu2+ phosphor via surface coating of TiO2, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 102: 294-302 (2019).

26)L.H. Liu, C. Zhang, K. Takahashi, T. Nishimura, H. Segawa, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Uniform and fine Mg-γ-AlON powders prepared from MgAl2O4: A promising precursor material for highly-transparent Mg-γ-AlON ceramics, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 39: 928-933 (2019).


1)S. Li, L. Wang*, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Color conversion materials for high-brightness laser-driven solid-state lighting, Laser Photonics Rev., 12: 1800173 (2018).

2)Y. Cai, L. Wang*, T.-L. Zhou, P. Zheng, Y. Li* and R.-J. Xie*, Improved stability of CsPbBr3 perovskite quantum dots achieved by suppressing interligand proton transfer and applying a polystyrene coating, Nanoscale, 10, 21441–21450 (2018).

3)W. Li, Y. Zhuang*, P. Zheng, T.-L. Zhou, J. Xu, J. Ueda, S. Tanabe, L. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, Tailoring trap depth and emission wavelength in Y3Al5-xGaxO12:Ce3+,V3+ phosphor-in-glass films for optical information storage, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 27150-27159 (2018).

4)J. Yu, S. Si, Y. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Cho, Z. Tian, R.-J. Xie, H. Zhang, Y. Li and J. Wang*, High-power laser-driven phosphor-in-glass for excellently high conversion efficiency white light generation for special illumination or display backlighting, J. Mater. Chem. C, 6, 8212-8218 (2018).

5)W. Chen, Y. Zhuang*, L. Wang*, Y. Lv, J. Liu, T.-L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Color-tunable and high-efficiency dye-encapsulated metal-organic framework composites used for smart white-light-emitting diodes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 18910-18917 (2018).

6)J. Chen, Y. Li*, L. Wang*, T.-L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Achieving deep-red-to-near-infrared emissions in Sn-doped Cu-In-S/ZnS quantum dots for red-enhanced white LEDs and near-infrared LEDs, Nanoscale, 10, 9788-9795 (2018).

7)P. Zheng, S. Li*, L. Wang*, T.-L. Zhou, S. You, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Unique color converter architecture enabling phosphor-in-glass (PiG) films suitable for high-power and high-luminance laser-driven white lighting, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 14930-14940 (2018).

8)C. Zhang, T. Uchikoshi*, R.-J. Xie*, L. Liu, Y. Sakka, and N. Hirosaki, Photoluminescence efficiency significantly enhanced by surface modification of SiO2 coating on beta-sialon: Eu2+ phosphor particle, J. Alloys Compds., 741, 454-458 (2018).

9)Z. Hou, X. Tang*, X. Luo, T.-L. Zhou, L. Zhang and R.-J. Xie*, A green synthetic route to the highly efficient K2SiF6:Mn4+ narrow-band red phosphor for warm white light-emitting diodes, J. Mater. Chem. C, 6, 2741-2746 (2018).

10)F. Yao, L. Wang *, Y. Lv, Y. Zhuang*, T.-L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Composition-dependent thermal degradation of red-emitting (Ca1-xSrx)AlSiN3:Eu2+ phosphors for high color rendering white LEDs,J. Mater. Chem. C, 6, 890-898 (2018).

11)L. Wang, R.-J. Xie*, T. Takeda, T. Suehiro, and N. Hirosaki, Down-conversion nitride materials for solid state lighting: Recent advances and perspectives, Chem. Rev., 118, 1951-2009 (2018).

12)Y.X. Zhuang*, L. Wang*, Y. Lv, T.-L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Optical data storage and multicolour emission readout on flexible films using deep-trap persistent luminescence materials, Adv. Funct. Mater., 28, 1705769 (2018).

13)Y.X Zhuang,* Y. Lv, L. Wang*, W.W. Chen, T.-L. Zhou, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki, and R.-J. Xie*, Trap depth engineering of SrSi2O2N2:Ln2+,Ln3+ (Ln2+ = Yb, Eu; Ln3+ = Dy, Ho, Er) persistent luminescence materials for information storage applications, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 1854-1864 (2018).

14)J.B. Liu, Y.X. Zhuang*, L. Wang*, T.-L. Zhou, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Achieving multicolor long-lived luminescence in dye-encapsulated metal-organic frameworks and its application to anticounterfeiting stamps, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 1802-1809 (2018).

15)S.X. Li, L.Wang*, D.M. Tang, Y. Cho, X.J. Liu, X. Zhou, L. Lu, L. Zhang, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Achieving high quantum efficiency β-Sialon:Eu2+ phosphors for high-brightness and wide color gamut LCD backlights by eliminating the Eu3+ luminescence killer, Chem. Mater., 30, 494-505 (2018).


1)C.-Y. Wang, T. Takeda, O.M. ten Kate, M. Tansho, K. Deguchi, K. Takahashi, R.-J. Xie, T. Shimaze and N. Hirosaki, Ce-doped La3Si6.5Al1.5N9.5O5.5, a rare highly efficient blue-emitting phosphor at short wavelength toward high color rendering white LED application, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 9, 22665-22675 (2017).

2)Y. Lv, L. Wang*, Y. Zhuang*, T.L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Discovery of the Yb2+-Yb3+couple as red-to-NIR persistent luminescence emitters in Yb-activated (Ba1-xSrx)AlSi5O2N7 phosphors, J. Mater. Chem. C, 5, 7095-7101 (2017).

3)X.J. Zhang, J. B. Yu, J. Wang, B. F. Lei, Y.L. Liu, Y. J. Cho, R.-J. Xie, H. W. Zhang, Y.R. Li, Z.F. Tian, Y. Li and Q. Su, All-Inorganic Light Convertor Based on Phosphor-in-Glass Engineering for Next-Generation Modular High-Brightness White LEDs/LDs, ACS Photons., 4, 986-995 (2017).

4)L. Wang*, X.-J. Wang, K. Takahashi, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Nitride phosphors as robust emissive materials in white flat field emission lamps, Opt. Mater. Express, 7, 1934-1941 (2017).

5)D. Luo, L. Wang*, S. W. Or, H. Zhang, and R.-J. Xie*, Realizing superior white LEDs with both high R9 and luminous efficacy by using dual red phosphors, RSC Adv., 7,25964-25968 (2017).

6)Z. Chen, Q. Zhang, Y. G. Li*, H. Z. Wang* and R.-J. Xie*, A promising orange-yellow-emitting phosphor for high power warm-light white LEDs: Pure-phase synthesis and photoluminescence properties, J. Alloy Compds. 715, 184-191 (2017).

7)K. Yoshimura, H. Fukunaga, M. Izumi, M. Harada, K. Takahahshi, H. Segawa, R.-J. Xie and N. Hirosaki, Optical properties of green-emitting β-sialon:Eu phosphor-containing silica glasses and their deterioration mechanism, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 060302 (2017).

8)S. Li, D. Tang, Z. Tian, X,J, Liu, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki, F. Xu, Z. Huang and R.-J. Xie*, New insights into the microstructure of translucent CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ phosphor ceramics for solid state laser lighting, J. Mater. Chem. C, 5, 1043 (2017).

9)J. Wan, Q. Liu*, G. Liu, Z. Zhou, J. Ni and R.-J. Xie*, A novel Eu2+-activated G-La2Si2O7phosphor for white LEDs: SiC reduction synthesis, tunable luminescence and good thermal stability, J. Chem. Mater. C, 5, 1616 (2017).

10)Q.Q. Zhu, X. Xu, L. Wang, Z.F. Tian, Y.Z. Xu, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, A robust red-emitting phosphor-in-glass (PiG) for use in white lighting sources pumped by blue laser diodes, J. Alloy. Compds., 702, 193 (2017).

11)K. Yoshimura, H. Fukunaga, M. Izumi, K. Takahashi, R.-J. Xie and N. Hirosaki, Achieving super wide-color-gamut display by using narrow-band green-emitting γ-alon:Mn, Mg phosphor, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 56, 041701 (2017).

12)Y. Li, J. Wan g, X.-M. Wang, F. Pan, T.L. Zhou and R.-J. Xie*, Colour tuning via crystalline site-selected energy transfer in a Sr2SiO4:Eu2+,Pr3+; phosphor, J. Mater. Chem. C, 5, 1022-1026 (2017).


1)J. Wang, Q. Liu*, G. Liu, Z. Zhou, J. Ni and R.-J. Xie*, A novel synthesis of green apatite-type Y5(SiO4)3N:Eu2+ phosphor via Sic-assisted Sol-Gel route, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 99(3) 748-751 (2016).

2)C.Y. Wang, T. Takeda, O.M. ten Kate, R.-J. Xie, K. Takahashi and N. Hirosaki, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of a phase pure green-emitting Eu doped JEM sialon (LaSi6-zAl1+zN10-zOz, z ~1) phosphor with a large red-shift of emission and unusual thermal quenching behavior, J. Mater. Chem. C, 4,10358-10366 (2016).

3)Y. Zhuang*, Y. Lv, Y. Li, T.-L. Zhou, J. Xu, J. Ueda, S. Tanabe and R.-J. Xie*, Study on Trap Levels in SrSi2AlO2N3:Eu2+,Ln3+ Persistent Phosphors Based on Host-Referred Binding Energy Scheme and Thermoluminescence Analysis, Inorg. Chem., 55(22),11890–11897 (2016).

4)M. ten Kate*, R.-J. Xie*, C.Y. Wang, S. Funahashi and N. Hirosaki, Eu2+-DopedSr2B2-2xSi2+3xAl2-xN8+x: A Boron-Containing Orange-Emitting Nitridosilicate with Interesting Composition-Dependent Photoluminescence Properties, Inorg. Chem., 55(21), 11331–11336 (2016).

5)S.X. Li, L. Wang, Q.Q. Zhu, D.M. Tang, X.J. Liu*, G.F. Cheng, L. Lu, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki, Z. Huang and R.-J. Xie*, Crystal structure, tunable emision and applications of Ca1-xAl1-xSi1+xN3-xOx: RE (x = 0-0.22, RE = Ce3+, Eu2+) solid solution phosphors for white light-emitting diodes, J. Mater. Chem. C, 4, 11219-11230 (2016).

6)L. Wang*, R.-J. Xie*, Y.Q. Li, X.J. Wang, C.G. Ma, D. Luo, T. Takeda, Y.-T. Tsai, R.S. Li and N. Hirosaki, Ca1−xLixAl1−xSi1+xN3:Eu2+ solid solutions as broadband, color-tunable and thermally robust red phosphors for superior color rendition white light-emitting diodes, Light: Sci.& Appl., 5(10), e16155 (2016).

7)H. Ji, L. Wang, Y. Cho, N. Hirosaki, M.S. Molokeev, Z.G. Xia, Z.H. Huang* and R.-J.Xie*, New Y2BaAl4SiO12:Ce3+ yellow microcrystal-glass powder phosphor with high thermal emission stability, J. Mater. Chem. C, 4(41), 9872-9878 (2016).

8)S.X. Li, Q.Q. Zhu, D.M. Tang, X.J. Liu*, G. Ouyang, L. Cao, N. Hirosaki, T. Nishimura, Z. Huang and R.-J. Xie*, Al2O3-YAG:Ce composite phosphor ceramic: A thermally robust and efficient color converter for solid state laser lighting, J. Mater. Chem. C,4(37), 8648-8654 (2016).

9)Q.Q. Zhu, L. Wang, N. Hirosaki, L.Y. Hao, X. Xu* and R.-J. Xie*, An Extra-Broad Band Orange-Emitting Ce3+-doped Y3Si5N9O phosphor for Solid-State Lighting: Electronic and Crystal Structures, Luminescence properties, Chem. Mater., 28(13),4829–4839 (2016).

10)S. X. Li, Q.Q. Zhu, L. Wang, D.M. Tang, Y. Cho, X.J. Liu*, N. Hirosaki, T. Nishimura, T.Sekiguchi, Z. Huang and R.-J. Xie*, CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ translucent ceramic: A promising robust and efficient red color converter for solid state laser displays and lighting, J. Mater. Chem. C, 4(35), 8197-8205 (2016)

11)H. Ji, L. Wang, M.S. Molokeev, N. Hirosaki, R.-J. Xie*, Z.H. Huang*, Z.G. Xia*, O.M.ten Kate, L.H. Liu and V.V. Atuchin, Structure evolution and photoluminescence ofLu3(Al,Mg)2(Al,Si)3O12:Ce3+ phosphors: New yellow-color converter for blue LED-driven solid state lighting, J. Mater, Chem. C, 4(28), 6855-6863 (2016).

12)K. Yoshimura, H. Fukunaga, M. Izumi, M. Masuda, T. Uemura, K. Takahashi, R.-J. Xie and N. Hirosaki, White LEDs using the sharp β-sialon: Eu phosphor and Mn-doped red phosphor for wide-color gamut display applications: White LEDs for wide-color gamut display, J. SID, 24(7), 449-453 (2016).

13)T.-T. Xuan, J.-Q. Liu, C.-Y. Yu, R.-J. Xie and H.-L. Li, Facile Synthesis of Cadmium-Free Zn-In-S:Ag/ZnS Nanocrystals for Bio-Imaging, Sci. Report, 6, 24459(2016).

14)C. N. Zhang, T. Uchikoshi*, R.-J. Xie*, L.H. Liu, Y. Cho, Y. Sakka, N. Hirosaki and T.Sekiguchi, Thermal- and moisture-induced degradation on photoluminescence (PL)properties of Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+ red phosphor effectively prevented via thermal treatment in N2-H2 and degradation mechanisms, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18(18),12494-12504 (2016).

15)H. Ji, L. Wang, M.S. Molokeev, N. Hirosaki, Z.H. Huang*, Z.G. Xia, O.M. ten kate, L.H. Liu and R.-J. Xie*, New garnet structure phosphors, Lu3−xYxMgAl3SiO12:Ce3+ (x =0–3), developed by solid solution design, J. Mater. Chem. C, 4(12), 2359-2366(2016).

16)J. Wan, Q. Liu*, G.H. Liu, Z. Zhou, J. Ni and R.-J. Xie*, A Novel Synthesis of Green Apatite-Type Y5(SiO4)3N:Eu2+ Phosphor via SiC-Assisted Sol-Gel Route, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 99(3), 748–751 (2016).

17)M. ten Kate*, R.-J. Xie*, S. Funahashi, T. Takeda and N. Hirosaki,Significant colour tuning via energy transfer in Eu2+ solely doped La2.5Ca1.5Si12O4.5N16.5, RSC Adv., 6, 20681-20686 (2016).

18)K. Yoshimura, K. Annen, H. Fukunaga, M. Harada, M. Izumi, K. Takahashi, T. Uchikoshi, R.-J. Xie and N. Hirosaki, Optical properties of solid-state laser lighting devices using SiAlON phosphor–glass composite films as wavelength converters, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 55, 042102 (2016).


1)L. Wang, X. J. Wang, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki, Y.-T. Tsai, R.-S. Liu and R.-J. Xie*, Structure, Luminescence, and Application of a Robust Carbidonitride Blue Phosphor (Al1−xSixCxN1−x:Eu2+) for Near UV-LED Driven Solid State Lighting, Chem. Mater., 27,8457-8466 (2015).

2)T.-T. Xuan, J.-Q. Liu, R.-J. Xie, H.-L. Li* and Z. Sun, Microwave-Assisted Synthesis ofCdS/ZnS:Cu Quantum Dots for White Light-Emitting Diodes with High Color Rendition, Chem. Mater., 27, 1187-1193 (2015).

3)T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki, S. Funahshi and R.-J. Xie, Narrow-Band Green-Emitting Phosphor Ba2LiSi7AlN12:Eu2+ with High Thermal Stability Discovered by a Single Particle Diagnosis Approach, Chem. Mater., 27, 5892-5898 (2015).

4)X.-J. Wang, L. Wang, T. Takeda, S. Funahashi, T. Suehiro, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Blue-Emitting Sr3Si8−xAlxO7+xN8−x:Eu2+ Discovered by a Single-Particle-Diagnosis Approach: Crystal Structure, Luminescence, Scale-Up Synthesis, and Its Abnormal Thermal Quenching Behavior, Chem. Mater., 27, 7689-7697 (2015).

5)Q.-Q. Zhu, X.-J. Wang, L. Wang, N. Hirosaki, T. Nishimura, Z.-F. Tian, Q. Li, Y.-Z. Xu, X. Xu and R.-J. Xie*, β-Sialon:Eu phosphor-in-glass: a robust green color converter for high power blue laser lighting, J. Mater. Chem. C, 3, 10761-10766 (2015).

6)J. Zhu, L. Wang, T. Zhou, Y. Cho, T. Suehiro, T. Takeda, M. Lu, T. Sekiguchi, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Moisture-induced degradation and its mechanism of (Sr,Ca)AlSiN3:Eu2+, a red-color-converter for solid state lighting, J. Mater. Chem. C, 3,3181-3188 (2015).

7)C. Zhang, T. Uchikoshi, R.-J. Xie*, L. Liu, Y. Cho, Y. Sakka, N. Hirosaki and T.Sekiguchi, Reduced thermal degradation of the red-emitting Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+ phosphor via thermal treatment in nitrogen, J. Mater. Chem. C, 3, 7642-7651 (2015).

8)L. Liu, L. Wang, C. Zhang, Y. Cho, B. Dierre, N. Hirosaki, T. Sekiguchi and R.-J. Xie*, Strong Energy-Transfer-Induced Enhancement of Luminescence Efficiency of Eu2+-and Mn2+-Codoped Gamma-AlON for Near-UVLED-Pumped Solid State Lighting, Inorg. Chem., 54, 5556-5565 (2015).

9)L. Wang, X.J. Wang, T. Kohsei, K.-i. Yoshimura, M. Izumi, N. Hirosaki and R.-J. Xie*, Highly efficient narrow-band green and red phosphors enabling wider color-gamut LED backlight for more brilliant displays, Opt. Express, 23, 28707-28717 (2015).

10)L. Wang, H. Zhang, X.-J. Wang, B. Dierre, T. Suehiro, T. Takeda, N. Hirosaki and R.-J.Xie*, Europium(II)-activated oxonitridosilicate yellow phosphor with excellent quantum efficiency and thermal stability – a robust spectral conversion material for highly efficient and reliable white LEDs, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 15797-15804(2015).

11)K. Takahashi, B. Dierre, Y. Cho, T. Sekiguchi, R.-J. Xie and N. Hirosaki, Microanalysis of Calcium Codoped LaAl(Si6-zAlz)(N10–zOz) (z~1): Ce3+ Blue Phosphor, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 98, 1253-1258 (2015).

12)S.X. Li, X. J. Liu*, R.H. Mao, Z.R. Huang and R.-J. Xie*, Red-emission enhancement of the CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ phosphor by partial substitution for Ca3N2 by CaCO3 and excess calcium source addition, RSC Adv. 5, 76507-76515 (2015).

13)S. Li, X.-J. Liu*, J.-Q. Liu and H.L. Li, R.H. Mao, Z.R. Huang and R.-J. Xie*, Synthesis, composition optimization, and tunable red emission of CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ phosphors for white light-emitting diodes, J. Mater. Res., 30, 2919-2927 (2015).

学位 职称 教授,博士生导师
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 rjxie@xmu.edu.cn 电话 0592-2188083(办公室)

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